About Cibo
"Mangia Bene Vivi Bene"
Eat well Live Well.
If the feeling of home could be passed down multiple generations; then my home would be in the kitchen, cooking the same recipes my family before me did, with the same homegrown ingredients and the same Italian love of food. This passion for true Italian cooking was born with me in Italy, and has inspired my goals as a person and as a professional chef. Since I have always had a strong set of ideals shown to me, it’s very important that I also maintain a high level of quality in home grown food being brought to the table.
My creativity as a chef comes from the heart of Italy and explores the many bountiful regions in the country from the Northern mountains and grazing land, to the golden Southern heat. Since each region of Italy carries its own culinary flavors and inspiration, I create my menus based off of the experience of each region. Honoring the same traditions my ancestors would by bringing home grown ingredients and making it all by scratch. After all, that is what being an Italian Chef means!
Buon Appetito!